Sunday 22 June 2008

83 Days to go... A 26 mile test hike

The Cheltenham Circular Challenge is an annual event hosted by The Cheltenham Cleve Vale Rotary Club. The circular course consists of four sections that you can choose to do either individually for attempt the Marathon - all four sections back to back, giving you a route just over 26 miles.

A PERFECT EVENT! I thought, for my 3 Peaks Training plan, and a good opportunity to test out some of my new outdoor kit.

Despite a shocking weather forecast, Sunday morning Mark, Helen and I set out bright and (too) early to enjoy a fantastic day in the Gloucester countryside. I was equipped with a new rucksack , new super duper comfortable insoles, new socks and an array of high energy sports foods to test out.

Overall it was a positive day - I am glad to report that I CAN walk 26 miles, which is the approximate distance of the 3 Peaks - now I just need to add some more substantial peaks to the mix. As far as my new kit went, my rucksack and socks passed the test -although I do have a few chaffing issues to sort out between the waist band of the rucksack and the top of my trousers. The insoles and the sports nutrition both failed - the insoles in spectacular style - leaving the sides of my feet with blisters - somewhere I have never had blisters before! I even resorted to switching back to my old insoles 3/4 way through and found them far more comfortable, despite their age. The only positive of this is that my (expensive) new insoles came with a 60 day comfort guarantee - so I can look forward to getting my money back!

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